《六个瑞典女孩在阿尔卑斯山》是一部德国的影视作品,导演是Paul Grau,,演员有Petra van Hoven,Marianne Aubert,Evelyne Lang。
这部喜剧有每个人最喜欢的 6 位瑞典女孩在阿尔卑斯山享受他们的逗留。当女孩们不享受自己陪伴的乐趣时,她们会和镇上的几乎所有其他人一起出去玩。 “阿尔卑斯山的六个瑞典人”应该足以让软核爱好者激动不已。所有那些刺眼的蓝天,令人惊叹的山脉背景和一群金发碧眼的少女……但是等着吧。遗憾的是,这是“Sechs Swedinnen”系列中的最后一个,也是最糟糕的一个。尽管您可能会相信,但它并不是由 Brigitte Lahaie 和通常的帮派主演。取而代之的是,我们看到了一个相当杂乱(有些人可能会说很粗俗)的同名女主角集合,它们以各种不令人兴奋的位置和姿势呈现。这部电影完全没有色情,你可以感觉到导演想要转向硬核的手的抽搐。我们瑞典追星族的糟糕和做作的场景被阿尔卑斯山的图书馆镜头奇怪地剪掉了(通常在不同的天气条件下)。坦率地说,我宁愿坚持使用阿尔卑斯山的镜头,让大卫·阿滕伯勒(David Attenborough)来叙述。它会比这只火鸡更令人兴奋......
This comedy has everyone"s favorite 6 Swedish gals enjoying their stay in the alps. When the girls aren"t enjoying the pleasure of their own company they"re out having a good time with nearly everyone else in town.
"Six Swedes in the Alps" should be enough of a title to get the softcore aficionado into a lather. All those piercing blue skies, stunning mountain backdrops and a bevvy of blonde girlie full-drops.... But wait there. Sadly this is the last and the worst in the "Sechs Swedinnen" series. Despite what you might be led to believe, it does NOT star Brigitte Lahaie and the usual gang. Instead we are treated to a rather motley (and some might say manky) collection of eponymous heroines in various unexciting locations and poses. There is no erotism at all in this film, and you can feel the twitch of the director"s hand wanting to move to hardcore. The lousy and contrived scenes of our Swedish groupies are bizarrely cut with library footage of the Alps (often in different weather conditions). Frankly I would rather have stuck with the Alpine footage and got David Attenborough to narrate. It would have been more exciting than this turkey....